Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629)

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Desiderium Amoris [66]


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Desiderium Amoris.translation
L. Iustin. Idem.
AMor desiderijs nutritur, desideria autem ab a-
more tanquam calor ab igne prodeūt. & sunt
veluti ignita iacula quæ cor amantis in amatum
sagittat, quare absque magnâ remunerationis
mercede esse non poterit quisquis sancto deside-
riorum ardore accensus extiterit. parum quippe
operatur, quamuis multa agat, qui non amplius
agit affectu quam actu. non meruit secreta scire
cælestia, Propheta Daniel, quia ieiunauit, sed quia
concupiuit, dicente Angelo, ego autem veni vt in-
dicarem tibi, quia vir desideriorum es. & quis po-
test verbis propalare sanctorum desideria? soli ex-
perti norunt amantium affectus, quam sæpe desi-
derio patiuntur, dilaniantur, vruntur, occumbunt.
quod si liceret, non segnius sustinerent actu, quam
desiderijs concupiscant. immensa est Amoris vis,
& nullo abbreuiata fine, quæ sicut nutritur de se,
ita dilatatur in se, non alieno indiget adminiculo,
sibi ipsi sufficit, dum virtutem suam exercere
valet. translation

Domine, ante te omne desiderium meum, et
gemitus meus a te non est absconditus. Ps. 34.

Le Ciel escoute et voit mes voeux
Allez donc mes souspirs aux cyeux.

Desir de l'Amour.
Que ne peut elle pas ceste flame diuine,
Qui au fond de mon cœur, au sein de ma poictrine,
Sans la pouuoir cacher, s'y est ouuert le iour?
Combien est il heureux, celuy qui la desire,
Et mourant comme moy, en son ardeur expire,
Essayant ce que peut l'embrassement d'Amour.

Artificio es del amor
Que en el cielo los suspiros
Hagan effeto de tiros.

Den Hemel siet mijn soete minn'.
Vliech op mijn hert/ en treckt daer in.

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Desire of love.
Love is nourished by desires; now desires result from love like heat from fire, and they are as it were ignited arrows, that the heart of the lover shoots towards the beloved. This is why it will be impossible for anybody to become inflamed by the sacred heat of desire if the costs are not compensated by a great reward. For he who operates less out of passion than out of action indeed achieves very little, although he acts a lot. The prophet Daniel did not deserve to remain ignorant of the secrets of heaven because he fasted, but because he desired, for the angel said "now I have come to show to you, because you are a man of desires". And who can make fully known in words the desires of the saints? Only those who have experienced these feelings know those of lovers; how often through desire they suffer, are tortured, burnt, die. If they could, they would be as quick to hold their own through action, as they are now prone to lust through their desires. The power of love is immense and is not stopped short by any bound; just as it feeds of itself, so it expands in itself; it does not need another's support, it is self-sufficient, so long it can exercise its power.
Lord, all my desire is set before You, and my groaning is not hidden from You.

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