Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608)

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Negare iussi, pernegare non iussi [90]


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NEGARE IVSSI, PERNEGARE NON IVSSI.translationtranslation
[No source given]
Cedere non subitò suadent sexusque pudorque;
Sed modus in cunctis optimus est habitu,
Est cùm difficilem quæ sese præbuit olim,
Ingemit, & nimiùm lenta fuisse dolet.

Proffred seruice past the date,
Is wished when it is to late.
Loues offred seruice may for fassion bee refused,
If yeilding at the first vnseemly shall bee thoght,
But oft reiecting it, may make it to bee soght,
And wisht agayn to late, with follie vnexcused.

Tal fugge, che poi caccia.
Che la figlia rifiuti honestà vuole,
Ma non saprei pregiar troppo quest’ atto
Perche si è visto, che chi sprezza il patto.
Ben spesso si ripente, e se ne duole.

Die gheboden dienst versmaet/
Wenster wel om/ alst is te laet.
[Hooft, Granida, lb-le. 37-38]
Het weygh’ren altemet de dochters staet seer eerlick/
Maer seker al te veel ick hier te prijsen laet:
Want die gheboden dienst en trouwigheyt versmaet/
Is wel na dienst en trou/ alst is te spaey/ begheerlick.

Tel refuse, qui apres muse.
Voicy l’Amour feru, qui son humble requeste
Presente auec sa foy, à l’autre qui le fuit:
Mais aussi à son tour il sera esconduit,
Et cherchera en vain ce qu’ores il reiette.

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Ik heb bevolen te weigeren, maar niet om te blijven weigeren.
I ordered to refuse, but not to keep refusing.
Sekse en ingetogenheid raden aan niet onmiddellijk toe te geven, maar in alles is gematigdheid het beste. Zo ook wanneer zij die zich vroeger ontoegankelijk betoonde, nu zucht en treurt dat ze al te traag is geweest.
The sex and modesty advise not to yield immediately, but in all things measure is the best. This holds also true when she who once showed herself difficult, now sighs and mourns that she has been too slow.

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