Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629)

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Digladiatio Amoris [52]


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Digladiatio Amoris.translation
Sap.5. Titelm. idem. 2.Tim.4.
ACcipiet armaturam zelus illius, & armabit
creaturam ad vltionem inimicorum; indu-
et pro thorace iustitiā, & accipiet pro galea iudi-
cium certum, sumet scutum inexpugnabile, æqui-
tatem. Ipse Amor est qui me armat & confortat,
qui docet manus meas ad prælium, & quasi ad
pugnam accinxit me fortitudine, per virtutem
gratiæ suæ animum meum corroborando. Sit be-
nedictus, sit laudatus, & glorificatus Dominus
Deus meus, qui me docet pugnare & præliari ad-
uersum hostes meos, qui mihi manus roborat &
digitos aptat ad resistendum ijs qui me quærunt
interficere. bonum certamē certabo, cursum con-
summabo, fidem seruabo, in reliquo reposita est
mihi corona iustitiæ, quam reddet mihi Dominus
in illa die iustus Iudex. translation

Qui docet manus meas ad prælium. Ps. 17. translation

Plustost que d'estre prisonniere
D'Amante ie seray guerriere.

Escrime de l'Amour.
Ieunes guerriers, certes ie m'imagine,
(Puis qu' escrimant, vous faites une mine
Qui sent plustost la paix que le duel)
Que tous vos coups se changeront en charmes,
Et que l'amour se meslant de vos armes,
Vostre combat ne serat pas cruel.

Rendid la espada el Amor
Porque su esgrima es tan cierta
Que el que se rinde lo acierta.

Schermen en weiren compt te laet/
Want teghen de liefde niet en baet.

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Decisive battle of love.
He shall take to him his jealousy for complete armour, and make the creature his weapon for the revenge of his enemies. He shall put on righteousness as a breastplate, and true judgment instead of an helmet. He shall take fairness for an invincible shield. It is Love himself who arms me and comforts me, that instructs my hands for the fight, and for a battle as it were dresses me with fortitude, by strengthening my heart through the virtue of its grace. Blessed, praised, glorified be my Lord God, who teaches me to fight and battle against my enemies, who gives my hands strength and makes my fingers fit to resist those who seek to kill me. I will fight the good fight, I will complete the course, I will keep my faith; besides, the crown of justice has been laid ready for me, which the Lord, my Judge, will give to me on that day.
Who instructs my hands for the fight.

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