Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629)

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Rapina Amoris [63]


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Rapina Amoris.translation
QVemadmodum speculum solem ferire ne-
quaquam suo potest lumine, nisi prius sol suis
radijs ipsum feriat: idem tamen eidem soli oppo-
situm ad zenith, pluribusue ab eo percussum &
vulneratum radijs, ex multis ipsis se vulneranti-
bus radijs, maioribus cumulatum splendoribus,
per retractionem splendidissimum vnum in altū
emittit radium, qui rectà tendens ipsummet so-
lem quodammodo ferire videtur: ita & anima
sancta ex aduerso Dei constituta, ab ipso prius
vulneratur, qui est verus iustitiæ sol: tum pluribus
diuersarum gratiarū radijs illustrata, charitatisue
speculis percussa, radios illos vniuersos, quantum
fieri licet, iungens quodammodo in vnum purissi-
mæ suæ intentionis radium, in altumque illum
eiaculans, Deum sanè vulnerat in medio cordis, à
quo ipsamet iam vulnerata fuerat. & sicut sol fe-
riens tametsi immutet speculi corpus, nihil tamen
veræ mutationis speculum in solare corpus causat
solem ipsum feriendo. ita reuera nil mutationis
in Deo causatur per vulnus quod eius cordi infli-
ctum ab anima est, tamen è vestigio anima in-
genti per inflictum à Deo vulnus, charitatis reno-
uatur mutatione, eaque maximè perfectiua.translation

Vulnerasti cor meum, soror mea sponsa. Cant. 4. translation

Ie l'ay blesse, il m'appartien: Donnez le moy, prennez le mien.

Larcin de l'Amour.
Tul' as blessé, prens le, ma douçe archere:
Gardéle bien, car la despoüille est chere;
Mais ne crois pas de me laisser sans cœur;
La mesme loy qui donne, redemande:
Et l'Amour veut que le cœur soit l'amande,
Que doibt payer vn amoureux voleur.

Todo el estudio de Amor
Se cifra en hallar razones,
Para trocar caraçones:

Het is ghetreft/ ick ben uyt pijn/
Dus gheeft my 't uw' / en nempt het mijn.

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The looting of love.
Like the mirror cannot hit the sun with its own light unless the sun hits it first with its rays, the same mirror nevertheless when set against the same sun at the zenith, or struck and wounded by it through several rays, sends as a result of the wounding by many rays and when it is laden with yet grander brilliance, one absolutely splendid ray by reflection to the heights of the sky that in a straight course in some way appears to hit the sun itself; so also the sacred soul, standing opposite God, first is wounded by Him, who is Himself the true sun of justice; then illuminated by numerous rays of diverse kinds of grace, or smitten by the mirrors of affection it emits all those rays in one burst combining them in some way and as much as possible into the one ray of its purest intention and so indeed wounds God right in His heart, from Whom she herself had already received a wound; and just as when the sun strikes the body of the mirror and as it were changes it, the mirror however causes no real change in the solar body by hitting the sun itself; so in truth no change at all is effected in God by the wound that the soul inflicted on His heart. Still on the other hand the soul is immediately made new by the immense change of love - and a change leading above all else to perfection at that - through the wound inflicted by God.
You have ravished my heart, my sister, my bride.

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