anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620)

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Non qua, sed quo [20]


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Non qua, sed quo.translation
Non juvenes qua adeunda via sit virgo laborant,
Sed reputant quo & quam trans mare digna peti. translation

Niet langs wat wech, maer waer.
De strenghe stroomen, noch de overvvoeste stemmen
Des grouvvelijcke vvints, verzaagt geē trouvv gemoet:
Leander gingh by nacht door 't holle vvater svvemmen,
Om het ghezelschap van zijn schoone Hero zoet.

E che non puote Amore.
Y at il ici bas aucun cas impossible,
Qu'un constant amoureux n'oseroit hazarder?
Leandre par sa mort vous le fait contempler.
Qui dedaigna l'effort d'une tempeste horrible:
C'est ainsi que l'Amour enhardit ses soudarts,
A combatre vaillans la mort en toutes parts.

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Not the method, but where.
Young men do not exert themselves finding out in what way one approaches a maiden.
Their only thoughts are about where to do this and how worthy she is to be wooed even cross the sea.

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