author Veen, Otto van
editor Porteman, Karel
main title Vaenius, Amorum Emblemata
short title Vaenius, Amorum Emblemata [ed. Porteman]
place Aldershot
publisher Scolar press
date 1996
note 21, 247, [46] p.: ill. Auteursvermelding : Vaenius, Otto; introd. by Karel Porteman Bibl. geschiedenis : Facs. of 1608
description A complete edition of the Amorum Emblemata . Porteman's Introduction is a separate item in this bibliography. In the facsimile edition of the Latin/English/Italian version the French and Dutch epigrams are printed with each emblem. The Spanish epigrams are given in an appendix. The individual emblems have not been annotated.

References to this book in the EPU editions, grouped by book: